Saturday, March 15, 2008

9/11 Fact

Did you know that the flight number of the plane that had hit World Trade Centre ...on
9/11 was Q33NY
do the following for a shocking revelation
You have to try this one!!!

In MS Word, type in that flight number, Q33NY. Enlarge the font size to 26 Change the font to Wingdings 1.


1. Open up a blank Word document.

2. Type in Q33 NY in capitals (this is the flight number of the 1st plane to hit the WTC)

3. Highlight it.

4. Change the font size to 48.

5. Change the actual font to wingdings (1).

SHOCKED and AMAZED!!!well i was too..
Typing "Q33NY" in the Windows Wingdings font produces pictures of an airplane, two pieces of paper (which, could, I guess, resemble the twin towers of the world trade center if you squint really hard), a skull and crossbones, and a star of David. The suggestion here is that this combination might have predicted a plot to kill Jews by crashing a plane into two buildings.

One possible explanation for this coincidence is that a large proportion of computer programmers are Muslims and one of them must have known about the plot, had a crisis of conscience and felt a need to tell the world about, but did so in a covert way to protect himself from retribution. Another, much more ridiculous explanation floating around is that folks at Microsoft knew about the attacks before they happened because they funded them. The assertion is that the Wingdings font was design to give coded messages to operatives.

One problem with both of these explanations is that Microsoft created Wingdings as part of its Windows 3.0 operating system in the late 1980s. The font has remained unchanged since its creation, so even if there was something to this rumor, the font predates the events in question by more than a decade.

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Matrix

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see
it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it
when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world
that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Morpheus in the movie, The Matrix

We think we live in a "world". In fact we live in a frequency range. That's all it
is. We are trapped in a frequency range and therefore trapped in an illusion.
This is what the well-known movie calls the Matrix. The "world" we see around us is merely the tiny fraction of multi-dimensional infinity that our physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste can access. The physical world we perceive is like a radio station and our physical senses are tuned to its frequency. So that is all we see. But all around us are the other frequencies or densities of infinite creation - the ones that "science" has denied exist. They are all around us on frequencies beyond the range of our physical senses. These are the frequencies that can be seen and heard by animals, like cats, when they react to apparently "empty" space, and dogs when they hear sounds far higher than we can. Newborn babies also react to "empty" space until their senses are imprisoned by conditioning. These are the frequencies accessed by true psychics - the oracles of the ancient world - who can raise their vibration to tune into these unseen realms. The Italian physicist Giuliana Conforto in her brilliant book LUH, Man's Cosmic Game (Edizioni Noesis, 1998) puts it like this: "...a good 90% of total calculated mass is in fact dark and unobservable, while only 10% is observable by means of the infinite rainbow, which is light. The visible universe we do observe, with its billions of stars and galaxies, is in turn only a narrow perspective of this already scanty 10%. ...Inside every physical body there is an invisible, but far more massive reality (90%), a non-observable substance, that can be felt and experienced as emotions, intuitions, and feelings."' It is within the realms of this unseen "dark matter" that other-dimensional entities like the reptilians operate. Giuliana Conforto also points out that in some galaxies, this dark matter, unseen by the human eye, is 100 times the mass we can observe. We can see from our frequency range just 7% of what exists in such galaxies! When we open our minds and expand our own frequency range of perception, so we will "discover" more planets and stars. The atom is said to be the foundation of physical matter and yet all but a fraction of the space within an atom is, to the human eye, "empty". A "physical atom" from which all physical forms are made, consists of a nucleus with electrons orbiting around it like a mini solar system. Dr Douglas Baker said in his book, The Opening Of The Third Eye (Aquarian Press, Welling borough, England, 1977): "If we expanded the hydrogen atom to the size of a cathedral, its electron would perhaps be the size of a nickel!" The overwhelming majority of the "space" within an atom is "dark matter" operating on frequencies we can't see and it is the same with our solar system and the entire dense physical universe. If only "science" were led by Giuliana Conforto's way of thinking, instead of the concrete minds of academia, we would already live in a world of infinitely greater awareness of who we are and the nature of life. But look at her figures there and apply them to the "scientific" denials of intelligent life beyond this planet. We are asked to believe that life as we know it has only evolved on this one physical planet among the billions of planets and stars in this visible universe, which is, itself, only a fraction of visible "light", which is in turn only 10% of total mass? What a joke. God save us from official "science". And, of course, all this is only by current calculations. That fraction of 10% of total mass that we can see might turn out to be an extremely optimistic view.
The kingdom of heaven is within you
All around you now, and sharing the same space as your body, are all the radio and television frequencies broadcasting to your area. You can't see them and they are not aware of each other because they are vibrating to such different frequencies that they pass through each other and your body without anyone noticing. The only time they "interfere" with each other is when they are very close on the frequency band. When you turn on your radio, the frequency you have accessed is passing through the windows and walls of your house to reach the radio receiver because the walls and broadcast frequencies are so far apart on the density scale. This is how "ghosts" and” extraterrestrials" can apparently walk through walls and why some people see them and others don't. It depends whether your mind is tuning to their frequency or not. These other-dimensional entities, including the reptilians, are all around us sharing the same space. You can sometimes feel them when the vibes in a room change and you sense an icy chill or, with positive entities, a feeling of great love in the atmosphere around you. They are so close to our frequency range, but just outside it. Credo Mutwa talks of the irrational "blind spot" that people have which prevents them from seeing these entities and I think this is manufactured externally in some way, probably through a frequency broadcast from below ground that shuts off part of our DNA's multi-dimensional potential. The DNA is a transmitter and receiver of vibrational information and can therefore be reprogrammed by vibrational and electromagnetic fields. Nikola
Tesla, whose genius was responsible for much of today's electrical system, understood that other frequencies existed, but the most profound parts of his work were suppressed. He once said:
"We cannot even with positive assurance assert that some of them [other dimensional entities] might not be present here in our world in the very midst of us, for their constitution and life manifestations may be such that we are unable to perceive them."
As I said earlier, when you move the radio dial and tune to another station you can no longer hear the first station because you have moved the dial out of its range and so now you are hearing another. But the first station has not disappeared, it goes on broadcasting. It's just that you can't hear it anymore. If you choose to retune your dial again, there it will be. It is the same with Creation. We are like droplets of water in an ocean of infinite energy taking infinite forms. This ocean of energy manifests as different densities or frequencies and at this moment we are tuned to this one, the "physical world". But all the other frequencies are around us and interpenetrating us while we perceive only the density that our physical senses can see, touch, hear, smell, and taste - the Matrix. As physicist, Giuliana Conforto, put it: "The fact that we are not able to observe [it] doesn't mean it doesunderstood that other frequencies existed, but the most profound parts of his work were suppressed. He once said:
"We cannot even with positive assurance assert that some of them [other dimensional entities] might not be present here in our world in the very midst of us, for their constitution and life manifestations may be such that we are unable to perceive them."4
As I said earlier, when you move the radio dial and tune to another station you can no longer hear the first station because you have moved the dial out of its range and so now you are hearing another. But the first station has not disappeared, it goes on broadcasting. It's just that you can't hear it anymore. If you choose to retune your dial again, there it will be. It is the same with Creation. We are like droplets of water in an ocean of infinite energy taking infinite forms. This ocean of energy manifests as different densities or frequencies and at this moment we are tuned to this one, the "physical world". But all the other frequencies are around us and interpenetrating us while we perceive only the density that our physical senses can see, touch, hear, smell, and taste - the Matrix. As physicist, Giuliana Conforto, put it: "The fact that we are not able to observe [it] doesn't mean it doesn't exist, rather that human perception is severely limited." The late and great Bill Hicks, the brilliant and highly intelligent American comedian, encapsulated these truths magnificently. He said: "Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is just a dream. And we are the imagination of ourselves."
Look at the findings of Albert Einstein, the most famous scientist of the 20th century. His E=MC2 shows that matter is just a form of energy and that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed into another state. Its official, our consciousness, which is energy, is indestructible. We live forever. The truth is in front of our eyes. Purely by changing the temperature (frequency), ice becomes water and water becomes steam and steam "disappears". That simple temperature change turns "solid" ice into invisible vapour because different temperatures represent different frequencies. It is all the same energy, but in a very different state. Our bodies consist of many different sub-frequencies within the dense physical range. Look at X-rays. They are tuned to frequencies that match our bone structure and so they do not portray the outer flesh, which is vibrating to a different frequency. X-rays don't show the walls of buildings, just the rods of iron within them for the same reason. Look at the world from the X-ray frequency and it looks very different than it does from ours. How an object or person appears depends purely on the frequency from which you are observing. The human aura, as technology has shown, is a mass of different colours (frequencies) that change as our thoughts and emotions (frequencies) change. The X-ray is just one example of n't exist, rather that human perception is severely limited." The late and great Bill Hicks, the brilliant and highly intelligent American comedian, encapsulated these truths magnificently. He said: "Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is just a dream. and we are the imagination of ourselves."

Welcome to my world

We each live in our own personal universe and when people come into our space they are entering our unique world of reality. There are areas where our universes agree and connect. Most people, for example, agree that the road outside your door and the cars driving past really exist. But apart from these basics, our universes can be very different.In my universe, to chase a fox with horses and hounds and tear it to pieces is an abomination. But to other universes, it's fine to do that. In my universe, a few people are controlling the planet through a network of secret societies working through all "sides". But in most other human universes these"sides" are completely unconnected and the world has an infinite diversity of decision-making and ownership. In my universe, some of the most famous people on the planet are torturing and sacrificing children. But most other human universes cannot conceive that such horrors could be taking place and so in their universes, they don't. Our minds observe the visible, physical world, and what we make of it becomes our reality, our personal universe. Because I see the world and
events in very different terms to most people, there are far fewer points of
agreement and connection between my universe and those of the mass of the
people. For this reason, I am considered strange, extreme, or a "nutter". But that is
only those people's perception of me from the perspective of their own universe. It's
not what really is, only what they believe it is. It's a self-generated illusion.
You can prove over and over that the physical world is controlled by the non-
physical mind. A stage illusionist can convince millions of minds that he has
performed a "miracle" when it is just sleight of hand. There is one trick in which a
girl is tied up and placed in a large box. The lid is shut tight and, after a roll of
drums, the magician opens the box to find that the woman has disappeared. What
she has done is hide in the box's false bottom giving the appearance that it is empty.
The magician then moves to an identical box on the other side of the stage. When he
opens it the woman miraculously reappears to wild applause. The minds of the
audience have been convinced that somehow the woman has been transported from
one box to the other. This, therefore, becomes their reality, part of their universe. But
you know what really happens? The magician uses identical twins wearing
identical clothes. It's that simple to delude the mind. on a
television programme who ripped up the front page of the morning paper,
crumpled the pieces together in his hands, and then opened it out in its original
state. He ripped that paper to pieces. I saw him.
But of course he didn't. He just convinced everyone that he did and once a mind is convinced of something it becomes that person's physical reality. A stage hypnotist
can manipulate a member of the audience into believing that dog pooh is a prime
piece of steak or that the woman next to him is naked or that he is anything from a
donkey to a racing driver. The Illuminati are simply applying these techniques on a
mass scale because they know how it all works - that's the knowledge they have
worked so incessantly to keep from us.

Guide to Hypnotism

What hypnotism is?
Hypnotism, contrary to common belief, is merely state when your mind and body are in a state of relaxation and your mind is open to positive, or cleverly worded negative, influences. It is not a trance where you:
• Are totally influenceable.
• Cannot lie.
• A sleep which you cannot wake up from without help.
This may bring down your hope somewhat, but, hypnotism is a powerful for self help, and/or mischief.

Your subconscious mind
Before going in further, I'd like to state that hypnotism not only is great in the way that it relaxes you and gets you (in the long run) what you want, but also that it taps a force of incredible power, believe it or not, this power is your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind always knows what is going on with every part of your body, every moment of the day. It protects you from negative influences, and retains the power to slow your heartbeat down and stuff like that. The subconscious mind holds just about all the info you would like to know
About yourself, or, in this case, the person you will be hypnotizing. There are many ways to talk to your subconscious and have it talk back to you. One way is the ouja board, no its not a spirit, merely the minds of those who are using it. Another, which I will discuss here, is the pendulum method. OK, here is how it goes. First, get a ring or a washer and tie it to a thread a little longer than half of your forearm. Now, take a sheet of paper and draw a big circle in it. In the big circle you must now draw a crosshair (a big +). Now, put the sheet of paper on a table. Next, hold the thread with the ring or washer on it and place it (holding the thread so that the ring is 1 inch above the paper swinging) in the middle of the crosshair. Now, swing the thread so the washer goes up and down, say to yourself the word "Yes" now, do it side to side and say the word "no". Do it counter clockwise and say "I don't know". And lastly, do it clockwise and say "I don't want to say." Now, with the thread back in the middle of the crosshair, ask yourself questions and wait for the pendulum to swing in the direction for the answer. (yes, no, I don't know or I don't want to say...). Soon, to your amazement, it will be answering questions like anything... Let the pendulum answer, don't try.. When you try you will never get an answer. Let the answer come to you.

How to induce hypnotism
Now that you know how to talk to your subconscious mind, I will now tell you how to guide someone into hypnosis. Note that I said guide, you can never, hypnotize someone, they must be willing. OK, the subject must be lying or sitting in a comfortable position, relaxed, and at a time when things aren't going to be interrupted. Tell them the following or something close to it, in a peaceful, monotonous tone (not a commanding tone of voice)

Note: Light a candle and place it somewhere where it can be easily seen.

"Take a deep breath through your nose and hold it in for a count of 8. Now, through your mouth, exhale completely and slowly. Continued breathing long, deep, breaths through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Tense up all your muscles very tight, now, counting from ten to one, release them slowly, you will find them very relaxed. Now, look at the candle, as you look at it, with every breath and passing moment, you are feeling increasingly more and more peaceful and relaxed. The candles flame is peaceful and bright. As you look at it I will count from 100 down, as a count, your eyes will become more and more relaxed, getting more and more tired with each passing moment." Now, count down from 100, about every 10 numbers say "When I reach xx your eyes (or you will find your eyes) are becoming more and more tired." Tell them they may close their eyes whenever they feel like it. If the persons eyes are still open when you get to 50 then instead of saying "your eyes will.." Say "your eyes are...". When their eyes are shut say the following. As you lie (or sit) here with your eyes comfortably close you find yourself relaxing more and more with each moment and breath. The relaxation feels pleasant and blissful so, you happily give way to this wonderful feeling. Imagine yourself on a cloud, resting peacefully, with a slight breeze caressing your body. A tingling sensation begins to work its way, within and without your toes, it slowly moves up your feet, making them warm, heavy and relaxed. The cloud is soft and supports your body with its soft texture, the scene is peaceful and absorbing, the peacefulness absorbs you completely. The tingling gently and slowly moves up your legs, relaxing them. Making them warm and heavy. The relaxation feels very good, it feels so good to relax and let go. As the tingling continues its journey up into your solar plexus, you feel your inner stomach become very relaxed. Now, it moves slowly into your chest, making your breathing relaxed as well. The feeling begins to move up your arms to your shoulders, making your arms heavy and relaxed as well. You are aware of the total relaxation you are now experiencing, and you give way to it. It is good and peaceful, the tingling now moves into your face and head, relaxing your jaws, neck, and facial muscles, making your cares and worries float away. Away into the blue sky as you rest blissfully on the cloud. If they are not responsive or you think they (he or she) is going to sleep, then add in a "...always concentrating upon my voice, ignoring all other sounds. Even though other sounds exists, they aid you in your relaxation..." They should soon let out a sigh as if they were letting go, and their face should have a "woodiness" to it, becoming featureless... Now, say the following "... You now find yourself in a hallway, the hallway is peaceful and nice. As I count from 10 to 1 you will imagine yourself walking further and further down the hall. When I reach one you will find yourself where you want to be, in another, higher state of conscious and mind. (count from ten to one)..." Do this about three or four times. Then, to test if the subject is under hypnosis or not, say "... You feel a strange sensation in your (arm they write with) arm, the feeling begins at your fingers and slowly moves up your arm, as it moves through your arm your arm becomes lighter and lighter, it will soon be so light it will ... becoming lighter and lighter which each breath and moment..." Their fingers should begin to twitch and then move up, the arm following, now my friend, you have him/her in hypnosis. The first time you do this, while he/she is under say good things, like: "Your going to feel great tomorrow" or "Every day in every way you will find yourself becoming better and better".. Or some crap like that... The more they go under, the deeper in hypnosis they will get each time you do it.

What to do when hypnotized
When you have them under you must word things very carefully to get your way. You cannot simply say... Take off your clothes and fuck the pillow. No, that would not really do the trick. You must say something like.... "you find your self at home, in your room and you have to take a shower (vividly describe their room and what's happening), you begin to take off your clothes..." Now, it can't be that simple, you must know the persons house, room, and shower room. Then describe things vividly and tell them to act it out (they have to be deeply under to do this). I would just suggest that you experiment a while, and get to know how to do things.

Waking up
Waking up is very easy, just say " I count from 1 to 5 you will find yourself becoming more and more awake, more and more lively. When you wake up you will find yourself completely alive, awake, and refreshed. Mentally and physically, remembering the pleasant sensation that hypnosis brings... Waking up feeling like a new born baby, reborn with life and vigor, feeling excellent. Remembering that next time you enter hypnosis it will become an ever increasing deeper and deeper state than before.

1. You feel energy course throughout your limbs.
2. You begin to breathe deeply, stirring.
3. Beginning to move more and more your eyes open, bringing you up to full conscious.
4. You are up, up, up and awakening more and more.
5. You are awake and feeling great.

And that's it! You now know how to hypnotize yourself and someone else.
You will learn more and more as you experiment

Down the Road' Missile

This missile is aptly named because it travels best down a street or road. This is nothing more that harmless phun intended to scare the living shit out of oncoming cars.

How To Make A Missile

All you need are:

• Hairspray can, or something else with flammable propellant (don't use spray paint , it makes a big mess!)
• book of ordinary matches
• tape (clear if possible, its thinner)
• BB or pellet gun (use BB's if possible)


Tape the book of matches to the bottom of the can, y'know, the CONCAVE part. You might want to arrange the matches so that they are spread over a wide area of the bottom of the can, but close together.

Shake the can up vigorously. Now place the can on its side with the nozzle of the can pointed in the direction you want it to go, down a road, off a ramp, at your sister, etc.. Now stand back a bit, and shoot at the matches. It should take off at about 30 ft per sec!! What happens in case you couldn't tell, is the BB hits the matches and causes a spark, and at roughly the same time, punctures the weak bottom of the can. As the propellant sprays out, it hopefully comes in contact with the spark, and presto. If you don't do it right you'll blow a lot of money because each can only be used once, so experiment to find best results.

In The Air Missile:

Compile the rocket as stated before, and put it vertical on a stand of some sort with the bottom accessible. Place a section of PVC pipe 95° preferred and shoot into the PVC pipe which should direct the BB upward, and the can should take off. Experiment w/ different cans, its hard to find ones that work perfectly, and still go higher than 30 ft.

Ways to Send a Car to Hell

Ways to Send a Car to Hell
How to have phun with someone else's car. If you really detest someone, and I mean detest, here's a few tips on what to do in your spare time. Move the windshield wiper blades, and insert and glue tacks. The tacks make lovely designs. If your "friend" goes to school with you, Just before he comes out of school. Light a lighter and then put it directly underneath his car door handle. Wait...Leave...Listen. When you hear a loud "shit!", you know he made it to his car in time. Remove his muffler and pour approximately 1 Cup of gas in it. Put the muffler back, then wait till their car starts. Then you have a cigarette lighter. A 30 foot long cigarette lighter. This one is effective, and any fool can do it. Remove the top air filter. That's it! Or a oldie but goodie: sugar in the gas tank. Stuff rags soaked in gas up the exhaust pipe. Then you wonder why your "friend" has trouble with his/her lungs. Here's one that takes time and many friends. Take his/her car then break into their house and reassemble it, in their living or bedroom. Phun eh? If you're into engines, say eeni mine moe and point to something and remove it. They wonder why something doesn't work. There are so many others, but the real good juicy ones come by thinking hard.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Diskette Bombs

You need:

• A disk
• Scissors
• White or blue kitchen matches (they MUST be these colors!)
• Clear nail polish

1. Carefully open up the diskette (3½" disks are best for this!)
2. Remove the cotton covering from the inside.
3. Scrape a lot of match powder into a bowl (use a wooden scraper, metal might spark the matchpowder!)
4. After you have a lot, spread it evenly on the disk.
5. Using the nail polish, spread it over the match mixture
6. Let it dry
7. Carefully put the diskette back together and use the nail polish to seal it shut on the inside (where it came apart).

When that disk is in a drive, the drive head attempts to read the disk, which causes a small fire (ENOUGH HEAT TO MELT THE DISK DRIVE AND FUCK THE HEAD UP!!). Let the fuckhead try and fix THAT!!!

Smoke Bombs

Here is the recipe for one hell of a smoke bomb!

4 parts sugar
6 parts potassium nitrate (Salt Peter)

Heat this mixture over a LOW flame until it melts, stirring well. Pour it into a future container and, before it solidifies, imbed a few matches into the mixture to use as fuses. One pound of this stuff will fill up a whole block with thick, white smoke!