Friday, March 14, 2008

The Matrix

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see
it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it
when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world
that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Morpheus in the movie, The Matrix

We think we live in a "world". In fact we live in a frequency range. That's all it
is. We are trapped in a frequency range and therefore trapped in an illusion.
This is what the well-known movie calls the Matrix. The "world" we see around us is merely the tiny fraction of multi-dimensional infinity that our physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste can access. The physical world we perceive is like a radio station and our physical senses are tuned to its frequency. So that is all we see. But all around us are the other frequencies or densities of infinite creation - the ones that "science" has denied exist. They are all around us on frequencies beyond the range of our physical senses. These are the frequencies that can be seen and heard by animals, like cats, when they react to apparently "empty" space, and dogs when they hear sounds far higher than we can. Newborn babies also react to "empty" space until their senses are imprisoned by conditioning. These are the frequencies accessed by true psychics - the oracles of the ancient world - who can raise their vibration to tune into these unseen realms. The Italian physicist Giuliana Conforto in her brilliant book LUH, Man's Cosmic Game (Edizioni Noesis, 1998) puts it like this: "...a good 90% of total calculated mass is in fact dark and unobservable, while only 10% is observable by means of the infinite rainbow, which is light. The visible universe we do observe, with its billions of stars and galaxies, is in turn only a narrow perspective of this already scanty 10%. ...Inside every physical body there is an invisible, but far more massive reality (90%), a non-observable substance, that can be felt and experienced as emotions, intuitions, and feelings."' It is within the realms of this unseen "dark matter" that other-dimensional entities like the reptilians operate. Giuliana Conforto also points out that in some galaxies, this dark matter, unseen by the human eye, is 100 times the mass we can observe. We can see from our frequency range just 7% of what exists in such galaxies! When we open our minds and expand our own frequency range of perception, so we will "discover" more planets and stars. The atom is said to be the foundation of physical matter and yet all but a fraction of the space within an atom is, to the human eye, "empty". A "physical atom" from which all physical forms are made, consists of a nucleus with electrons orbiting around it like a mini solar system. Dr Douglas Baker said in his book, The Opening Of The Third Eye (Aquarian Press, Welling borough, England, 1977): "If we expanded the hydrogen atom to the size of a cathedral, its electron would perhaps be the size of a nickel!" The overwhelming majority of the "space" within an atom is "dark matter" operating on frequencies we can't see and it is the same with our solar system and the entire dense physical universe. If only "science" were led by Giuliana Conforto's way of thinking, instead of the concrete minds of academia, we would already live in a world of infinitely greater awareness of who we are and the nature of life. But look at her figures there and apply them to the "scientific" denials of intelligent life beyond this planet. We are asked to believe that life as we know it has only evolved on this one physical planet among the billions of planets and stars in this visible universe, which is, itself, only a fraction of visible "light", which is in turn only 10% of total mass? What a joke. God save us from official "science". And, of course, all this is only by current calculations. That fraction of 10% of total mass that we can see might turn out to be an extremely optimistic view.
The kingdom of heaven is within you
All around you now, and sharing the same space as your body, are all the radio and television frequencies broadcasting to your area. You can't see them and they are not aware of each other because they are vibrating to such different frequencies that they pass through each other and your body without anyone noticing. The only time they "interfere" with each other is when they are very close on the frequency band. When you turn on your radio, the frequency you have accessed is passing through the windows and walls of your house to reach the radio receiver because the walls and broadcast frequencies are so far apart on the density scale. This is how "ghosts" and” extraterrestrials" can apparently walk through walls and why some people see them and others don't. It depends whether your mind is tuning to their frequency or not. These other-dimensional entities, including the reptilians, are all around us sharing the same space. You can sometimes feel them when the vibes in a room change and you sense an icy chill or, with positive entities, a feeling of great love in the atmosphere around you. They are so close to our frequency range, but just outside it. Credo Mutwa talks of the irrational "blind spot" that people have which prevents them from seeing these entities and I think this is manufactured externally in some way, probably through a frequency broadcast from below ground that shuts off part of our DNA's multi-dimensional potential. The DNA is a transmitter and receiver of vibrational information and can therefore be reprogrammed by vibrational and electromagnetic fields. Nikola
Tesla, whose genius was responsible for much of today's electrical system, understood that other frequencies existed, but the most profound parts of his work were suppressed. He once said:
"We cannot even with positive assurance assert that some of them [other dimensional entities] might not be present here in our world in the very midst of us, for their constitution and life manifestations may be such that we are unable to perceive them."
As I said earlier, when you move the radio dial and tune to another station you can no longer hear the first station because you have moved the dial out of its range and so now you are hearing another. But the first station has not disappeared, it goes on broadcasting. It's just that you can't hear it anymore. If you choose to retune your dial again, there it will be. It is the same with Creation. We are like droplets of water in an ocean of infinite energy taking infinite forms. This ocean of energy manifests as different densities or frequencies and at this moment we are tuned to this one, the "physical world". But all the other frequencies are around us and interpenetrating us while we perceive only the density that our physical senses can see, touch, hear, smell, and taste - the Matrix. As physicist, Giuliana Conforto, put it: "The fact that we are not able to observe [it] doesn't mean it doesunderstood that other frequencies existed, but the most profound parts of his work were suppressed. He once said:
"We cannot even with positive assurance assert that some of them [other dimensional entities] might not be present here in our world in the very midst of us, for their constitution and life manifestations may be such that we are unable to perceive them."4
As I said earlier, when you move the radio dial and tune to another station you can no longer hear the first station because you have moved the dial out of its range and so now you are hearing another. But the first station has not disappeared, it goes on broadcasting. It's just that you can't hear it anymore. If you choose to retune your dial again, there it will be. It is the same with Creation. We are like droplets of water in an ocean of infinite energy taking infinite forms. This ocean of energy manifests as different densities or frequencies and at this moment we are tuned to this one, the "physical world". But all the other frequencies are around us and interpenetrating us while we perceive only the density that our physical senses can see, touch, hear, smell, and taste - the Matrix. As physicist, Giuliana Conforto, put it: "The fact that we are not able to observe [it] doesn't mean it doesn't exist, rather that human perception is severely limited." The late and great Bill Hicks, the brilliant and highly intelligent American comedian, encapsulated these truths magnificently. He said: "Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is just a dream. And we are the imagination of ourselves."
Look at the findings of Albert Einstein, the most famous scientist of the 20th century. His E=MC2 shows that matter is just a form of energy and that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed into another state. Its official, our consciousness, which is energy, is indestructible. We live forever. The truth is in front of our eyes. Purely by changing the temperature (frequency), ice becomes water and water becomes steam and steam "disappears". That simple temperature change turns "solid" ice into invisible vapour because different temperatures represent different frequencies. It is all the same energy, but in a very different state. Our bodies consist of many different sub-frequencies within the dense physical range. Look at X-rays. They are tuned to frequencies that match our bone structure and so they do not portray the outer flesh, which is vibrating to a different frequency. X-rays don't show the walls of buildings, just the rods of iron within them for the same reason. Look at the world from the X-ray frequency and it looks very different than it does from ours. How an object or person appears depends purely on the frequency from which you are observing. The human aura, as technology has shown, is a mass of different colours (frequencies) that change as our thoughts and emotions (frequencies) change. The X-ray is just one example of n't exist, rather that human perception is severely limited." The late and great Bill Hicks, the brilliant and highly intelligent American comedian, encapsulated these truths magnificently. He said: "Matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is just a dream. and we are the imagination of ourselves."