Friday, March 14, 2008

Welcome to my world

We each live in our own personal universe and when people come into our space they are entering our unique world of reality. There are areas where our universes agree and connect. Most people, for example, agree that the road outside your door and the cars driving past really exist. But apart from these basics, our universes can be very different.In my universe, to chase a fox with horses and hounds and tear it to pieces is an abomination. But to other universes, it's fine to do that. In my universe, a few people are controlling the planet through a network of secret societies working through all "sides". But in most other human universes these"sides" are completely unconnected and the world has an infinite diversity of decision-making and ownership. In my universe, some of the most famous people on the planet are torturing and sacrificing children. But most other human universes cannot conceive that such horrors could be taking place and so in their universes, they don't. Our minds observe the visible, physical world, and what we make of it becomes our reality, our personal universe. Because I see the world and
events in very different terms to most people, there are far fewer points of
agreement and connection between my universe and those of the mass of the
people. For this reason, I am considered strange, extreme, or a "nutter". But that is
only those people's perception of me from the perspective of their own universe. It's
not what really is, only what they believe it is. It's a self-generated illusion.
You can prove over and over that the physical world is controlled by the non-
physical mind. A stage illusionist can convince millions of minds that he has
performed a "miracle" when it is just sleight of hand. There is one trick in which a
girl is tied up and placed in a large box. The lid is shut tight and, after a roll of
drums, the magician opens the box to find that the woman has disappeared. What
she has done is hide in the box's false bottom giving the appearance that it is empty.
The magician then moves to an identical box on the other side of the stage. When he
opens it the woman miraculously reappears to wild applause. The minds of the
audience have been convinced that somehow the woman has been transported from
one box to the other. This, therefore, becomes their reality, part of their universe. But
you know what really happens? The magician uses identical twins wearing
identical clothes. It's that simple to delude the mind. on a
television programme who ripped up the front page of the morning paper,
crumpled the pieces together in his hands, and then opened it out in its original
state. He ripped that paper to pieces. I saw him.
But of course he didn't. He just convinced everyone that he did and once a mind is convinced of something it becomes that person's physical reality. A stage hypnotist
can manipulate a member of the audience into believing that dog pooh is a prime
piece of steak or that the woman next to him is naked or that he is anything from a
donkey to a racing driver. The Illuminati are simply applying these techniques on a
mass scale because they know how it all works - that's the knowledge they have
worked so incessantly to keep from us.